Gitea is an open-source, web-based platform designed for hosting and managing Git repositories. It serves as a lightweight and self-hosted alternative to popular Git repository hosting services like GitHub and GitLab.

Deploying it is an easy process. However, you have to maintain it by installing updates and backing it up.

  1. Download the latest windows version from here. Gitea Download Page For example: gitea-1.20.4-windows-4.0-386.exe
  2. Create a folder under Program Files and place the already downloaded file in that folder, and rename the file to gitea.exe so when you change versions you don’t need to re-create the service again.
  3. Create a Windows service and start it, so that Gitea will start together with windows.
New-Service -Name "Gitea" -BinaryPathName "C:\Program Files\gitea\gitea.exe" -StartupType "Automatic" -Description "Gitea"

Gitea then can be accessed via your browser from the network. http://fqdn:3000 or http://ip:3000